SKF美国原装进口VGNA MKU.U001 泵芯

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Item Units Material number Description Description1 1996-000-947 Pressure regulating valve 32 bar For oil1 996-002-197Pressure regulating valve 30 bar For fluid grease2 1 MKF.U012Pressure relief, compl., for fluid grease For fluid grease1MKU.U012 Pressure relief, compl., for oil For oil3 1 MKF.U013Pressure gauge for fluid grease For fluid grease (withoutthrottle)1 MKU.U013 Pressure gauge for oil For oil (with throttle)41 MKF1.U5+924 Motor with shaft 24 V DC for 2 and 3 liter fluidgrease units1 MKF2.U1+1) Motor with shaft for 2 and 3 literfluid grease units1 MKF2.U2+1) Motor with shaft for 6 literfluid grease units1 MKF2.U5+924 Motor with shaft 24 V DC for 6liter fluid grease units1 MKU1.U5+924 Motor with shaft 24 V DC for2 and 3 liter oil units1 MKU2.U2+1) Motor with shaft for 2 and3 liter oil units1 MKU2.U3+1) Motor with shaft for 6 liter oilunits1 MKU2.U5+924 Motor with shaft 24 V DC for 6 liter oil units51 WVN501-32.2x3 O-ring Seal between motor and lid6 4 911-204-122Cheese-head screw Motor fastening7 1 WVN501-5.28x1.78 O-ring Sealbetween pump and flange pipe8 1 ZP110-2 Gear pump Delivery rate 0.1l/min.1 ZP120-2 Gear pump Delivery rate 0.2 l/min.; 0.1 l/min. at24 V DC1 ZP150-2 Gear pump Delivery rate 0.5 l/min.; 0.2 l/min. at24 V DC9 2 834-240-018 Screw M3×25 Tx10 Fastening for ZP110-2 andZP120-22 834-250-034 Screw M3×30 Fastening for ZP150-210 1179-340-090 Capacitor 4 UF/450 V Capacitor for 230 V AC (+428)1179-340-091 Capacitor 16 UF/220 V Capacitor for 115 V AC (+429)11 1176-112-020 Pressure switch 20 bar NO-contact function12 1WVN501-10.5x1.5 O-ring Seal for pressure switch13 1 MKF.U016 Levelswitch, compl. For fluid grease in 2 and 3 liter units (NCcontact)1 MKF.U116 Level switch, compl. For fluid grease in 6 literunits (NC contact)1 MKU.U015 Fill level switch, compl. For oil in 2and 3 liter units (NO contact)1 MKU.U016 Fill level switch, compl.For oil in 2 and 3 liter units (NC contact)1 MKU.U115 Fill levelswitch, compl. For oil in 6 liter units (NO contact)1 MKU.U116 Filllevel switch, compl. For oil in 6 liter units (NC contact)14 4911-205-161 Cheese-head screw Reservoir fastening for 2 liter6911-205-181 Cheese-head screw Z1 Reservoir fastening for 3 and 6liter15 1 898-000-025 Reservoir, compl. 2 liter plastic reservoirwith seal1 B3.U180 Reservoir, 3 liter 3 liter metal reservoir withseal1 BK3.U147 Reservoir, 3 liter 3 liter plastic reservoir withseal1 BK6.U180 Reservoir, 6 liter 6 liter plastic reservoir withseal16 1 898-660-056 Cap Cap for 2 liter unit1 898-660-052 Cap Capfor 3 and 6 liter units17 1 MKU.U009 Filler socket compl. for oil(with strainer)1 MKU.U019 Filler socket compl. for oil (withstrainer), 3 liter lid1 MKF.U009 Filler socket compl. for fluidgrease (without strainer)1 MKF.U019 Filler socket compl. for fluidgrease (without strainer), 3 liter lid18 * 1 IG38-30-I+2)Control unit For time-dependent control (for 3 and 6 liter unitsonly)1 IZ38-30-I+2) Control unit For load-dependent control (for3 and 6 liter units only)1 IGZ36-20-S6-I+2) Control unit Pulsegenerator/pulse counter (for 3 and 6 liter units only)1IG54-20-S4-I+2) Control unit Pulse generator (for MKL unitsonly)19 * 179-990-033 Cable socket20 * 179-990-206 Fuse for 24 V DCunits

所属分类:中国机械设备网 / 液压泵
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