太和县FedEx国际快递 太和县联邦国际快递服务网点 寄件下单
更新:2025-02-03 09:15 编号:22351228 发布IP: 浏览:41次- 发布企业
- 安徽瀚徽国际货运代理有限公司商铺
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- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第4年主体名称:安徽瀚徽国际货运代理有限公司组织机构代码:91340123MA8NE7729R
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- 人民币¥33.00元每千克
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- 国际快递门到门服务
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- 太和县FedEx国际快递 太和县联邦国际快递服务网点 寄件下单
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- 安徽省合肥市肥西县桃花镇香蒲路安徽永凯工贸有限责任公司研发中心1栋202(注册地址)
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太和县FedEx国际快递 太和县联邦国际快递服务网点 寄件下单
A new study commissioned by FedEx (NYSE: FDX) and conducted byForrester Consulting has revealed preferences of online shoppers,both globally and in the UK In an effort to better understandglobal purchasing behaviour in cross-border e-commerce, researchersquestioned more than 9,000 respondents in 17 countries andterritories, and conducted interviews with small-and-mediumbusinesses with cross-border operations. The UK, along with Chinaand the US, are the top three exporters of online purchases.
With online buying behaviour currently representing more than $1trillion in global sales per year and forecasted to nearly doublein the next four years according to Forrester Research data, thefindings of the paper, “Seizing The Cross-Border Opportunity” arerevealing. For more than a third (34%) of UK online shoppers,online purchases account for at least a quarter of their totalmonthly spend. Clothing and apparel are the most popular onlinepurchase in the UK, along with books, footwear and music. The studyalso found a significant part of e-commerce involves cross-bordershipments.
“This research provides deep insight into the priorities andpreferences of global online customers and highlights how small andmid-sized retailers can better take advantage of the cross-borderopportunity”, said Raj Subramaniam, executive vice president,Global Marketing, FedEx. “Knowledge about both the culturalsimilarities and differences in geographic markets can helpbusinesses gain real online retail advantage.”
70% of UK respondents indicated they buy items online at leastonce a month and a little over 35% say they make online purchasesof goods from merchants outside their country at least every fewmonths.
What all this means for small and mid-size businesses is theyalso have an opportunity to take advantage of regional differences.UK respondents look to international SME retailers because theprices are generally lower (41%), or to source specialty and uniqueitems (38%).
UK shoppers also indicated a greater interest in internationalcross-border shopping where the experience provided simpleexchanges, guaranteed costs at check-out including duties andtaxes, and free returns, with 45% saying this was very influentialto their decision making.
The top ten physical items purchased online in the UK are:
法定代表人 | 陈浩 | ||
注册资本 | 500万人民币 | ||
主营产品 | DHL国际快递 FedEx国际快递 UPS国际快递 TNT国际快递 合肥DHL国际快递 合肥联邦国际快递 合肥UPS国际快递 合肥FBA亚马逊国际物流 合肥FedEx联邦快递 | ||
经营范围 | 一般项目:航空国际货物运输代理;海上国际货物运输代理;陆路国际货物运输代理;国际货物运输代理;装卸搬运;信息咨询服务(不含许可类信息咨询服务);娱乐性展览;会议及展览服务;货物进出口;技术进出口;普通货物仓储服务(不含危险化学品等需许可审批的项目)(除许可业务外,可自主依法经营法律法规非禁止或限制的项目) | ||
公司简介 | 安徽瀚徽国际货运代理有限公司是一家专业为外贸公司企业提供到世界各地文件包裹及货物快递服务公司,拥有多年的国际货运经验,所以我们可以为您提供百分百的优质服务!目前我公司强项提供服务范围如下:一、全球国际快递/速递,多式联运,提供:EMS、UPS、DHL、TNT、FEDEX等国际快递业务。二、提供全方位的服务,包装、验货、查询和报关,免费专人上门收件。三、提供安全保障交易先收货后付款,保护自己利益.使 ... |
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- 太和县DHL国际快递 专注太和县DHL国际快递服务 取件上门33.00元/千克
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服务类型:国际快递门到门服务 - 临泉县FedEx国际快递 临泉县联邦国际快递物流中心 联邦国际空运22.00元/千克
服务类型:国际快递门到门服务 - 临泉县UPS国际快递 临泉县UPS国际快递电话 服务中心12.00元/千克
服务类型:国际快递门到门服务 - 临泉县DHL国际快递 临泉县DHL国际快递服务中心 寄件流程22.00元/千克
服务类型:国际快递门到门服务 - 太和县UPS国际快递 太和县UPS国际快递联合包裹 专注UPS国际快递空运22.00元/千克
服务类型:国际快递门到门服务 - 阜南县DHL国际快递 阜南县DHL国际快递物流中心 阜南DHL国际快递电话33.00元/吨
服务类型:国际快递门到门服务 - 阜南县UPS国际快递 阜南县UPS联合包裹服务中心 寄件网点34.00元/千克
服务类型:国际快递门到门服务 - 阜南县FedEx国际快递 阜南县联邦国际快递出口业务 寄件下单22.00元/千克
服务类型:国际快递门到门服务 - 颍上县DHL国际快递 专注颍上县DHL国际快递出口业务员 取件上门22.00元/千克