With economies, families and communities being impacted by thepandemic and ongoing challenges such as climate change, we arecommitted to being a force for positive change and to supportingbusinesses and local communities. As a part of our commitment, UPSis opening a new hub in Barcelona that has been designed torigorous global certification standards for energy performance.When the facility opens by the end of this year, it will allow usto better serve our customers while underscoring our commitment toreducing the environmental impact of our services.
CILSA - ZAL Port of Barcelona and UPS worked in collaboration toequip the building with LED lighting, energy-efficient insulationand advanced package sorting technology that reduce energyconsumption, and photovoltaic panels installed on the roof willreduce the amount of electricity drawn from the grid.
“At €40 million, this new Barcelona hub is one of UPS’s largestever investments in Spain and will support an important junction inour cross-border European network,” said Elisabeth Rodriguez,country manager, UPS Spain and Portugal. “Trade with the EuropeanUnion accounts for 67 percent of Spain’s exports[1] and the hub’sstrategic location at the Port of Barcelona, near El Prat airportand the French border, will encourage local businesses seeking toexpand their customer base that selling across borders can be asstraightforward as shipping at home.”