DHL Express 阿联酋地区经理 Geoff Walsh 表示:“DHL一直致力于支持阿联酋的举措。我们决定开始阿联酋和以色列之间的服务航线运营航班将促进两国之间的贸易和商业,并为双边关系注入活力。我们正在共同努力促进这些关键业务领域的投资、合作和知识共享。
DHL Express, the world leader in logistics and express delivery,has contributed to setting up trade between Israel and the UnitedArab Emirates as the first logistics provider in the region tocomplete a shipment from Israel to the UAE. Trade between thecountries has been set up since September 15, after the recentnegotiation of a peace agreement. The development furtherstrengthens DHL’s network by connecting major hubs in metropolisessuch as Tel Aviv and Dubai.
John Pearson, Global CEO DHL Express, stated: “We at DHLfirmly believe in globalization and that open borders are key toenhancing economic productivity across the globe. With the peaceagreement between Israel and the UAE now in effect, our global DHLnetwork made it possible to quickly establish new logistic routesbetween the two countries. We are convinced that both states willbenefit from the increasing flow of goods. What is more, it willinte the prosperity of the entire Middle East region as trade willexpand further.”