余杭区DHL国际快递网点 余杭DHL快递电话查询
更新:2025-01-31 20:00 编号:18366740 发布IP: 浏览:63次- 发布企业
- 安徽敦航国际货运代理有限公司商铺
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- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第6年主体名称:安徽敦航国际货运代理有限公司组织机构代码:91340123MA2MYHU97Q
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- 人民币¥29.00元每千克
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DHL Express is the main partner of the World Happiness Summit,which for the first time moves from Miami to Europe, to Lake Como,a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Here, from March 24 to 26, the NobelPrize winner for economics Daniel Kahneman together withphilosophers, economists and experts from 45 countries around theworld will discuss the theme of personal, professional andcollective happiness.
The World Happiness Summit (WOHASU®) 2023 brings together theworld's leading experts in Wellness Sciences, who deal with thestudy and practical application in everyday life of the principlesthat regulate the well-being of human beings in the environment inwhich they live. This is why the three days of the summit are anunrepeatable opportunity to learn about the scientific data alreadyavailable to promote happiness in all areas of our lives.
Promoting Italy and Como as the venue for the fifth edition ofWOHASU® is DHL Express, recently awarded by Great Place to Work™ asthe world’s No. 1 Best Workplace™ 2022. The values of DHL Expressand its continuous pursuit of people’s wellbeing make it the idealmain partner. This year’s edition has the title “Connessioni”, aconcept that is reflected in DHL Express’ purpose “Connectingpeople. Improving lives.” – behind every shipment, there are asmany stories that connect millions of people all over the worldevery day.
“WOHASU®'s reflections and themes are perfectly in line with ourglobal strategy,” said Alberto Nobis, CEO of DHL Express Europe.“Our Group has always aimed to support the well-being of itspeople, from the psycho-physical to the social and professionalspheres, and for this reason we have created a ‘Fit for work, Fitfor lives’ program spread to all levels of the organization, withwhich we aim to enable our employees to take care of theirwell-being at 360 degrees. We consider WOHASU®’s event as a trulyeducational opportunity for enrichment. We are very happy to beable to give our support to WOHASU® and we do it not only as alogistics partner: DHL Express fully shares the themes and valuesunderlying this event.”
The three days of WOHASU® 2023 focus on circulating data andviewpoints from leading experts and practitioners in positivepsychology, coaching, workplace wellness, economics, leadership,art, food and nutrition, yoga, mindfulness, resilience,forgiveness, kindness, community health, conscious capitalism andpositive culture. The event incorporates workshops, panels, andopportunities for sharing; participants are being offered awarenesstools based on scientific evidence, and encouraged to practice anew form of happiness and well-being in its most holisticdimension. All this, in the splendid and inspiring setting of LakeComo.
“I have always experienced Italy as a country of great beauty,history and happiness. Italy's charm is only surpassed by itspeople who have welcomed us warmly, which gives me a great sense ofpride in bringing the World Happiness Summit to Lake Como,” saidKaren Guggenheim, CEO & Founder of WOHASU® and Producer of TheWorld Happiness Summit. “Alberto Nobis, CEO of DHL Express Europe,our main partner, encouraged us to talk about wellbeing in alocation that uniquely represents the main theme of WOHASU 2023:Connections. Together we have chosen the City of Como as the idealplace for this international event.”
成立日期 | 2016年08月05日 | ||
法定代表人 | 陈浩 | ||
注册资本 | 500 | ||
主营产品 | 国际快递 国际空运 国际专线 国际进口 | ||
经营范围 | 国际货运代理、报关、报检、报验,国际空运、国际海运代理业务。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动) | ||
公司简介 | 安徽敦航公司主营:DHL、UPS、TNT、FEDEX、EMS和佐川急便国际快递,价格优惠,服务专业,安全快速。全面的网络以及不断创新的服务让我们在激烈的市场竞争中求得生存.我们也正在将原本单纯的快递服务扩展为综合适应能力更强的海陆空立体物流服务,并突出自身的特色,提升自身的服务品质。公司采用先进的精确图调度、全程网络化管理,完善的快件跟踪系统,让客户可以通过运单号对快件进行精确的网上跟踪查询。安徽 ... |
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