“我们努力为我们的客户不断简化和加快物流流程。我们倾听托运人和运输公司的要求,并仔细调整和优化我们的数字货运平台。在英国推出Saloodo! 是合乎逻辑的下一步Salodo! 执行官 Amadou Diallo表示,这是我们增强在线市场能力的一步。
萨洛多!客户现在还可以享受额外的功能,允许以各自国家的本国货币报价和开具发票。将考虑个人地方税。通过信用卡、PayPal和 SEPA的现有付款方式也得到了扩展,现在包括发票付款。特别是中型公司,的集团Saloodo!客户,更喜欢按帐户付款。较大的企业客户还可以选择合并发票付款。
Acknowledging that innovation canitself be a profitability challenge, particularly if approached atthe wrong pace or with excessive outlays of capital, the researchalso detailed a three-step approach to innovating successfully:focusing on innovations that provide differentiation; adopting along-term, strategic view of innovation; and bridging the silos ofpeople, software and machines.
“Given the complexity of theglobal logistics industry, the huge variance across markets andregulatory environments, and the competitive differentiation thatcomes from relationships and in-depth knowledge of customers’supply chains, we still see people playing a critical role in theindustry for the foreseeable future,” said Allen. “The companiesthat will win the race to future success are those that are able tocombine the expertise of their people with software and machinesmost effectively.