This year marked a significantmilestone as DHL and F1 took greenlogistics to the next level byintroducing 18 new biofuel-poweredtrucks specifically for theEuropean leg of the season over thesummer. The new trucks run onHVO100 drop-in fuel (hydrotreatedvegetable oil), where each truckcan reduce an average reduction of83% in carbon emissions comparedto standard fuels. DHL and F1 arecontinuously exploring newsolutions to further reduce Formula 1’scarbon footprint, includingplans to incorporate sustainablefuels.
This season the DHL Motorsportsteam will cover up to 150,000km,including six double headers, twotriple headers, and an inauguralrace in Las Vegas. DHL helpstransports broadcast equipment, carand team equipment, hospitalityequipment, fuel and tires.
As part of the Formula 1®festivities in Singapore, DHL willdisplay a DHL-branded race car atRaffles Shopping Centre from11-18 September. DHL will also partnerwith its long-standingcharity partner, the Singapore Red Cross(SRC), for a fundraisingactivity from 15-17 September. Members ofthe public who areinterested in donating can visit the display atthe shopping mall,make a donation and stand a chance to win someDHL and Red Crossmerchandise. All proceeds from the event will goto SRC to helpvulnerable communities. This would include theisolated elderly,persons with severe disabilities and families inneed.