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FTZs are secure areas under U.S.Customs and Border Protection (CBP) supervision that are generallyconsidered outside of the United States for customs purposes. FTZsare used for loading, unloading, handling, storing goods and forreshipping them by land, sea or air. Customers benefit with FTZs asthey reduce, defer or mitigate the impact of tariffs andtaxes.
“An FTZ is a vital resource forcustomers that want to compete in international trade,” said MarcGephart, Director of U.S. Customs Product Development & FTZ for DHLGlobal Forwarding “Our continued investments in facilities, digitalplatforms and services will allow us to continue to help ourcustomers navigate the changes and remain resilient andsuccessful.”
The FTZ expansion is part ofthe company’s response to customer needs to build comprehensiveend-to-end solutions in a number of industry sectors which includelife sciences and healthcare, chemicals and energy, technology,consumer retail, engineering and manufacturing, public sector andautomotive. The added FTZ presence throughout the country is alsogeared toward supporting customers in mitigating the effects offluctuating trade scenarios facing companies with operations in theUnited States.
In addition to its eight foreigntrade zones, DHL also administers several other customer-operatedor user specific FTZs across the nation; all of which supported byexperienced FTZ professionals. DHL will provide consulting forcustomers new to FTZ or seeking to determine if FTZ, or whatcombination of import strategies, is the ideal option for theirbusiness needs.