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The first Get Airports Ready for Disaster (GARD) Programwassuccessfully completed at Paro International Airport from27November to 1 December. The GARD program was made possible withthecooperation between various partners such as the UnitedNationsDevelopment Programme (UNDP) Bhutan, World Food Programme(WFP)Bhutan, International Federation of Air TrafficControllers(IFATCA), lead trainer DHL Group, in-country advocateDepartment ofAir Transport (DoAT), Department of local governanceand disastermanagement (DLDGM) and the support of AirportsCouncilInternational (ACI) Asia Pacific and Middle East
The GARD Program is a global public-private partnership aimedatsupporting airports in planning for their role as logisticalhubsin the event of disasters such as floods, earthquakes, fires,andlandslides, as well as integrating the airport's role innationalemergency plans.
The first GARD Program in the country saw around 50participantsin a four-day workshop covering both theory andpractice, includingan assessment of the airport’s maximumprocessing capacity (goodsand passengers). The participants workedon various topicsincluding identifying potential bottlenecks, andaction measures toquickly increase capacity in case of adisaster.