龙港市DHL国际快递公司 龙港市DHL国际快递物流中心 邮寄下单

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  • Debuted in Beijing, China in 2014, Formula E will race in Shanghaifor the first time

  • Committed to doing more for the environment, Formula E and DHL willuse sustainable aviation fuel for all freight from Berlin race toShanghai race, reducing carbon emissions by at least 80%, comparedto kerosene

  • DHL has been delivering logistical support to Formula E since itsinception and is celebrating Formula E’s 10th season

DHL, the official founding and logistics partner of Formula E, isdelivering Formula E to Shanghai, China, as the city hosts the racefor the first time. The event is scheduled to take place thisweekend, on May 25 and 26. Formula E made its debut in Beijing,China, in 2014 and now advocates for a broader sustainabilityagenda, backed by DHL's four-decade-long expertise in globalmotorsport.

Formula E has also signed up for DHL Global Forwarding’s GoGreenPlus service – the latest in a long line of initiatives spanningthe 10 years of delivering the championship – to use sustainableaviation fuel (SAF). For the Shanghai race, three planes willtransport 257 tons of freight over 6,000 miles from Berlin race toShanghai race using SAF. This will save at least 80% in greenhousegas emissions when compared to conventional kerosene jetfuel.

As the logistics partner for Formula E, DHL leverages its extensiveglobal network and expertise to deliver time-critical crucial racecomponents to millions of fans worldwide. Utilizing multimodaltransport solutions, DHL is transporting approximately 380 tons offreight, including race cars, batteries and charging units, andmedia and broadcasting equipment via air, ocean and road freight.For the past three seasons, a great focus has been given to the useof biofuels for road and sea freight, resulting in a substantialreduction of greenhouse gas emissions.

“Our partnership with Formula E represents a shared commitment tosustainability and innovation. By leveraging our logisticsexpertise and global network, we are proud to support Formula E indelivering exhilarating races while reducing our environmentalfootprint. Together, we are driving positive change and inspiring agreener future,” said Manuela Gianni, Head of Motorsports Italy atDHL Global Forwarding.

China as a big sustainability proponent

As a global leader in sustainability initiatives, China has setambitious goals to tackle climate change and promote electricmobility. The Chinese government has implemented various policiesto incentivize the adoption of electric vehicles, includingthe extension of tax exemption policy for new energy vehiclesuntil 2027. As a result, the economic powerhouse has also emergedas a leading electric vehicles (EVs) supplier. By hosting theFormula E race this year, China is showcasing its leadership inelectric vehicle innovation and dedication to encouraging theadoption of clean transportation solutions.

DHL at the forefront of sustainable logistics

Being a trailblazer in sustainable logistics, DHL has madesubstantial investments in alternative fuel vehicles,energy-efficient buildings, and renewable energy sources to reduceits carbon footprint. DHL Group was the first logistics company toset a measurable carbon efficiency target and reduce its CO2emissions from 33 million metric tons in 2020 to below 29 milliontons by 2030. As part of this sustainability roadmap, DHL also aimsto achieve 60% electrification of the last-mile deliveryfleet.

Across China, DHL Global Forwarding has implemented variousinitiatives to reduce its environmental impact. It has a fleet ofover 250 electric and hydrogen vehicles in the country, coveringmore than 320,000 miles each month.

In China, DHL Express had achieved 26% fleet electrification by2023, and has currently over 50,000 GoGreen Plus customers. It alsointroduced a fleet of hydrogen energy trucks with local partnersfor long haul operations in Shanghai, making China the first amongthe 220 countries and territories within DHL Express network to doso.

“Formula E is the pioneer in electric street racing, and Shanghaiis the perfect venue to showcase China’s prowess in electricmobility solutions. Our longstanding partnership with Formula Egoes beyond logistics support, as we also lend our expertise incustoms regulations and procedures to ensure timely clearance of amultitude of Formula E equipment and infrastructure. We are alsoproud of our expanded partnership through GoGreen Plus that we canbring this race to Shanghai even more sustainably,” said Piak HweeTan, Senior Vice President for Sales and Marketing, Asia Pacific,DHL Global Forwarding.

“As we speed towards a greener future, DHL’s collaboration withFormula E not only electrifies the racing world but also amplifiesour relentless dedication to eco-friendly logistics solutions inChina. We have constantly invested in green logistics solutions invarious facets of our operations, from electric vehicles toclimate-neutral buildings. We will continue to find suitablesolutions, and contribute to China’s sustainability goals,” saidRick Zhang, Senior Vice President Commercial, China, DHLExpress.

Since the inception of Formula E, DHL has been an integral part ofthe series, providing end-to-end logistics solutions to ensure thesmooth operation of each race. To date, DHL has helped to deliverover 120 Formula E races around the world. Both organizations sharea common goal of accelerating the transition towards a sustainablefuture, as they recognize the importance of reducing carbonemissions and promoting the adoption of clean energy technologies.By joining forces, DHL and Formula E are driving innovation andraising awareness about the potential of electricmobility.

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