肥西县FedEx联邦快递 肥西县FedEx快递寄件服务中心
The FedEx network in Hai'an County undertakes the importandexport business of international express, and theinternationalexpress business of major enterprises (general tradegoods,documents, accessories, machine accessories, hardwareaccessories,textiles, sample cloth, clothing, cloth accessories,chemicalliquids, powder, cosmetics, food, batteries, etc.) hasreached morethan 200 countries in the world. To the advantageousregions ofvarious countries: Europe, Eastern Europe, WesternEurope, Europeand the United States, Central America, SouthAmerica, SoutheastAsia, the Middle East, Australia, Africa. Theseregions areadvantageous and can be shipped at any time. The FedExnetwork inHai'an County mainly promotes Amazon warehousing, whichcan paycustoms duties, supply importers, agent customs clearance,delivergoods to warehouse, package customs clearance packagedelivery, andenter warehouse without reservation time. It can enterwarehousewithin 2-3 working days, and there are special prices forlargegoods of more than 21kg, large and preferentialprices!