即墨区DHL国际快递 即墨区DHL快递分公司,专业进出口服务
DHL Supply Chain North America has seen extremely dynamicgrowthin demand both from dedicated e-commerce players andcompanies thatare expanding their omnichannel offerings. For thisreason, we havedecided to strengthen our focus with dedicatedeCommerce sectorleadership,” said Scott Sureddin, CEO, DHL SupplyChain NorthAmerica. Kraig has made a significant contribution tothe growthand development of our eCommerce and fashion accounts inrecentyears and his team has demonstrated an in-depth understandingofhow to create advantage within e-commerce supplychains.
I amcertain that he will lead our business – and our customers –tofurther future growth in this exciting sector。Kraig ForemanjoinedDHL Supply Chain in Canada in 1996 and has worked in a numberofroles in sectors including retail, consumer goods and automotiveinthe U.S. and Canada. He has supported customers across theregionwith project management, operational start-ups, operationsandsolutions design. For the last 15 years, he has heldexecutiveroles primarily within the retail sector, with his focusin thelast ten years increasingly devoted to the development ofservicesfor the eCommerce sector.