Federal Express Corporation, one of the world’s largestexpress transportation companies, announced the successfulconclusion of the FedEx Library Program for FY2024.
To expand its annual Library Program, FedEx once again partneredwith the Wuxi Lingshan Charity Foundation, covering 17 primaryschools in underprivileged rural areas across China, and setting upreading rooms or book corners for 10 schools. The program provideslocal children with a wider range of reading resources bysecond-hand book donations, as well as picture books and readingkits. In addition, it has trained teachers in library management toimprove the reading systems of rural schools.
This year, the FedEx Library Program continued its donationactivities on 10 program schools where employee volunteersorganized readings and interactive activities with students.Besides online and offline books donations and shipping support,FedEx also invited employee volunteers to handcraft picture booksand postcards, reaching more than 240 students from nine schoolsand eight provinces with special words of encouragement.
“At FedEx, giving back to communities through volunteer activitiesand specialized knowledge is an important part of how we live ourvalues,” said Eddy Chan, Senior Vice President of FedEx Express andPresident of FedEx Express China. “The FedEx Library Program notonly fully utilizes FedEx’s expertise, but also demonstrates ourability to connect people and possibilities. We will continue todonate books to children and teachers in under-resourced areas withlove and care, helping reduce the accessibility gap in differentregions and revitalize rural culture.”
Launched in 2012, the FedEx Library Program aims to enrich thecultural life of local children and teachers by providing readingresources for rural areas through various forms of volunteeractivities. For more than a decade, the program has reached dozensof elementary schools and communities in under-resourced areasacross China, and engaged more than 500 FedEx team members. Throughvolunteer services and cash donations, reading rooms and bookcorners have been established in over 40 schools across 14provinces, and nearly 45,000 Chinese books suitable for elementaryschool students have been donated, benefiting more than 17,000children and teachers.
This year marks the 40th anniversaryof FedEx operations in China. Since its entry to the China marketin 1984, the company has been delivering for good to the worldthrough various social impact initiatives. In fiscal year 2024,FedEx set a goal for team members to contribute 100,000 volunteerhours to support global community engagement through the FedExCares (Driveforward. Give back.). The campaign aims to continue itsendeavor for a connected and vibrant world full of hope.