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When everyone is waiting for FedEx express delivery, I believethey all have this. That is how the shipping cost of FedExinternational express is calculated, and how many parts arecomposed of this price P
FedEx international express freight calculation method:
1. Billable weight unit: In the express delivery industry, thebilling weight unit is generally based on every 0.5KG (0.5 kg).
2. First weight and additional weight: For express delivery ofgoods, the first weight (or lifting weight) is 0.5KG, and eachadditional 0.5KG is considered as an additional weight. The cost oflifting is usually relatively high compared to the cost oflifting.
3. Actual weight and volume: refers to the actual total weightof a batch of items to be transported, including packaging, whichis called actual weight; When the volume of goods to be deliveredis large but the actual weight is light, due to the carryingcapacity of transportation vehicles (such as airplanes, trains,ships, cars, etc.) and the ability to load the volume of goods, themethod of measuring the volume of goods and converting it intoweight is used to calculate the weight of freight, which is calledvolume weight or material volume. Items with a volumetric weightgreater than their actual weight are often referred to as lightobjects. 4. Billable weight: According to the definitions of actualweight and volume and the regulations of the International AirCargo Association, the weight charged during the transportation ofgoods is calculated based on the higher of the actual weight andvolumetric weight of the entire batch of goods. 5. Packaging fee:In general, express delivery companies offer thin free packagingand provide packaging materials such as cardboard boxes andbubbles. However, many items such as clothing can be packagedwithout the need for detailed knots. For some valuable and fragileitems, delivery companies still charge a certain packaging fee,which is generally not included in the discount.
6. General freight calculation formula: A) When the actualweight of the item to be delivered exceeds the volume, the freightcalculation method is: first weight freight+(weight (kg) x2-1) xrenewal freight 8) When the actual weight of the item to bedelivered is small but the volume is large, the freight should becharged according to the volume standard, and then the totalfreight should be calculated according to the above formula.