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"The main driver of our businessis the development and production of sustainable technologies forthe mobility of tomorrow. We want to run this business in aCO2-neutral way by 2040. Sustainable logistics solutions are animportant step along this path, which we will be taking togetherwith DHL Supply Chain in the future," says Thomas Kirchermeier,Head of Supply Chain Management at Vitesco Technologies.
The big advantage of the newlogistics concept is that, as a lead logistics partner, DHL SupplyChain bundles the freight volumes of numerous large companies inorder to generate synergy effects and thus achieves new potentialsfor optimization. The logistics experts make use of the entiremarket of freight carriers and forwarding agents and can providethe fastest, safest, most environmentally friendly and mostcost-effective transport solutions. This benefits VitescoTechnologies and all customers: supply chains become more robustand more reliable.
ntelligent logistics helps toreduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Central freight management by aleading global logistics provider such as DHL also enables themaximum transparency of transport routes - which not only benefitsefficiency, but also reduces greenhouse gas emissions. This isachieved by combining deliveries that were previously handledseparately or by increasingly relying on low and zero carbonemissions transportation. This is where Vitesco Technologies'expertise in the field of electromobility meets DHL's practicalexperience, as the company operates the largest fleet of electricvehicles within the logistics sector.