SKF 原装zhengpinP203-2XNFL-1K6-24-2A1.10-V10高压多线电 动油泵

更新:2025-01-03 20:00 编号:28173128 发布IP: 浏览:7次
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P203- 4XNBO-1K6-24-1A1.01
P203- 2XNBO-1K5-12-1A1.01
P203- 2YLBO-1K6-24-1A1.01
P203- 2XNBO-3K7-24-1A1.01
P203- 2XLBO-1K7-24-2A1.01(WIO GREASE)
P203- 2XNBO-1K6-24-1A1.01 (W/OGREASE)
P203- 2XLBO-...-24-2A1.01
P203- 2XNBO-...-24-1A1.01
P203- 2XNBO-2K7-24-1A1.01
P203- 4XLBO-1K7-24-2A1.01-V10
P203- 4XNBO-1K7-24-1A1.01-V10
P203 -4XLBO-1K6-24-2A1.01-V10
P203- 4XNBO-1K5-24-1A1.01-V10
P203- 4XNBO-1K6-24-1A1.01-V10
P203- 4XNBO-2K6-24-1A1.01-V10
P203- 2XNBO-1K6-24-2A4.12-M00
P203- 2XNBO-1K5-24-2A4.13-M17
P203- 2XLBO-1K7-24-2A4.13-M16
P203- 8XNBO-3K7-24-1A1.01-V10
P203- 8YNBO-1K7-24-1A1.01-V10
P203- 8XLBO-2K7-24-2A1.01-V10
P203- 8XLBO-3K7-24-2A1.01-V10
P203- 8XLBO-1K7-24-2A1.01-V10
P203- 8XNBO-1K7-24-1A1.01-V12
P203- 8XNBO-1K6-24-2A1.01-V10
P203- 4YLBO-1K6-24-1A1.10
P203- 4YNBO-1K5-24-1A1.10
P203- 4YNBO-1K6-24-1A1.10
P203- 4YNBO-2K5-24-1A1.10
P203- 4XNBO-2K6-24-1A1.10
P203- 4XNBO-1C7-24-1A1.10
P203- 4XLBO-2K7-24-2A1.10
P203- 4XNBO-1K6-12-1A1.10-V10
P203- 4XLBO-1K5-24-2A1.10-V10
P203- 4YLBO-1K7-24-2A1.10-V10
P203- 4YLBO-1K6-24-2A1.10-V10
P203- 4XLBO-1K7-24-2A1.10-V10
P203- 4XNBO-1K7-12-2A1.10-V10
P203- 4XNBO-3K7-24-2A1.10-V10
P203- 4XNBO-...-24-1A1.01
P203- 4XLBO-...-24-2A1.01
P203- 4XNBO-3K6-24-1A1.01
P203- 4XLBO-3K7-24-2A1.01
P203- 4YLBO-2K7-24-1A1.01
P203- 4XLBO-1K7-24-2A1.01 (W/OGREASE)
P203- 4YLBO-1K7-24-1A1.01
P203- 2XNFL-1K6-24-1A1.10-H
P203- 2XN  -2K6-24-1A1.10-V10
P203- 2XL  -1K6-12-2A1.10-V10
P203- 2XN  -1K6-24-1A1.10-V12
P203- 2XNBO-2K6-24-1A1.10
P203- 2XNBO-1K6-24-1A1.10

TECHNICAL DATAFunction principleelectrically operated pistonpumpOperating temperature V DC–40 to +70 °C–40 to +158 °FOperatingtemperature V AC–25 to +70 °C–13 to +158 °FOperating pressure350bar5075 psiLubricantgrease: up to NLGI 2
oil with operating viscosity 40–1500 mm2/sOutletsup to 3Meteringquantity depending on pump element0,6-4,4 cm3/min /outlet0.036-0.268 in3/min per outletReservoir capacity2; 4; 8; 11and 15 l0.53; 1.05; 2.11; 2.09 and 3.96 galOutlet connectionG1/4Operating voltage12/24 V DC
115, 230 V AC / 50 or 60 HzProtection classIP6K9KDimensionsmin.211× 224 × 287 mm8.31 × 8.82 × 11.29 inmax.211 × 250 × 7748.31 ×9.84 × 30.47 inMounting positionupright, with follower plateany

RETURN-LINE CONNECTOR WITH FILLER FITTING, SCREW TYPEPartnumberDescriptionFilling nippleThreadTube ∅Reservoir

504-30698-1return-line connectorstraightR 1/46 mm2 l

504-36071-5return-line connectorstraight, with adapterR1/46 mm2 l flat-type, 4 and 8 l

504-36071-6return-line connector-line90°R 1/46 mm2 l flat-type,4 and 8 l

304-16543-1adapter-M 22 × 1,5 × G 1/4

QUICK FILLING CONNECTORSPart numberDescriptionConnectionFilter

544-36961-1filler fitting with protective capG 1/4-

504-32125-1coupling plug with protective capG 1/4-

233-10765-3protective cap; for replacementG 1/4-

540-36753-5filler fitting assemblyM22 × 1,5●540-31800-1fillerfittingM22 × 1,5●

504-36071-7filler fittingM22 × 1,5-RESERVOIR CONVERSION SETSPartnumberDesignationDescription

544-32787-12XN to 4XNconversion set from 2 to 4 l reservoir

544-32022-12XN to 4XNBOconversion set from 2 to 4 lreservoir

544-32788-12XN to 8XNconversion set from 2 to 8 l reservoir

544-32023-12XN to 8XNBOconversion set from 2 to 8 lreservoirFUSE HOLDER WITH FUSEPart numberCurrent load

237-13321-85 A237-13426-18 ABRACKET FOR FIXING PUMP AND MAINMETERING DEVICEPart numberDescription

307-19644-1bracket P203PRESSURE RELIEF VALVESPartnumberDesignationDescriptionRelief pressureConnection pressureline
624-28891-1VALVE  SVTS -200-R1/4-D 6pressure relief valve(PRV)2002900screw type fitting D

6624-28859-1VALVE  SVTSV-270-R1/4-1/8NPTF+NIP00RPRV withemergency lubrication fitting, right-hand2703915thread 1/8 NPTfemale270864VALVE  

SVTSV-270-R1/4-1/8NPTF+NIP00RPRV with emergency lubricationfitting, right-hand2703915thread 1/8 NPT female

624-28894-1VALVE  SVTS -350-R1/4-D 6pressure relief valve(PRV)3505075screw type fitting D

6624-28896-1VALVE  SVTS -350-R1/4-D 6+NIP00LPRV withemergency lubrication fitting, left-hand3505075screw type fittingD

6624-28897-1VALVE  SVTS -350-R1/4D 6+NIP00RPRV withemergency lubrication fitting, right-hand3505075screw type fittingD

6624-29426-1 VALVE  SVKSV-350-1/4-D6 +MANO 0-400BARPRVkit with pressure gauge 0-400bar3505075screw type fitting D

6624-28895-1VALVE  SVTS -350-R1/4-D 8pressure relief valve(PRV)3505075screw type fitting D8
624-28861-1VALVE  SVTSV-200-R1/4-  6pressure relief valve(PRV)2002900push-in type fitting D

6624-29087-1VALVE  SVTSV-200-R1/4 -6+RETURN FITT.ASSPRV kitwith grease return to the reservoir2002900push-in type fittingD

6624-77971-1VALVE  SVTSV-270-R1/4 -6+RETURN FITT.ASSPRV kitwith grease return to the reservoir2703915push-in type fittingD

6624-28860-1VALVE  SVTSV-350-R1/4-  6pressure reliefvalve (PRV)3505075push-in type fitting D

6624-28858-1VALVE  SVTSV-350-R1/4-  6+NIP00RPRV withemergency lubrication fitting, right-hand3505075push-in typefitting D

6624-28867-1VALVE  SVTSV-350-R1/4-  6+NIP00LPRV withemergency lubrication fitting, left-hand3505075push-in type fittingD

6624-28931-1VALVE  SVTSV-350-R1/4 -6+RETURN FITT.ASSPRV kitwith grease return to the reservoir3505075push-in type fittingD

6624-77911-1VALVE  SVTSV-350-R1/4 -6+RET.FITT.ASS VAPRV kitwith grease return to the reservoir VA3505075push-in type fittingD

6226-14105-5NIPPLE S2520-1/4-1/4-S01PRV adapter for connectionof 2L flat-type or 4 and 8l reservoir

screw type fitting D6524-32231-1REDESIGN-KIT:GREASERET.FITT.SVTSV+SVTEPRV redesign kit with grease return to thereservoir

push-in type fitting D6VALVE INSERT FOR PRESSURE RELIEF VALVES ASREPLACEMENTPart numberDescriptionRelief pressure

235-14343-3valve insert3505075235-14343-2valveinsert2703915235-14343-7valve insert2503625235-14343-1valveinsert2002900235-14343-5valve insert1201740235-14343-4valveinsert801160PUSH-BUTTON ILLUMINATEDPartnumberDescriptionVoltageLight664-85388-8round12/24VDCgreen664-85388-9round12/24 VDCred664-85421-9round12/24VDCyellow236-10280-6rectangular24 VDCgreenCONNECTION SOCKET ANDCABLE 1)Part numberDescriptionCableProtection class


544-32850-1connection socket with gasket and screw, black--IP65
544-32850-1connection socket with gasket and screw, black--IP65

664-36862-8connection cable with connection socket,black620IP67
664-36078-7connection cable with connection socket,black1030IP67
664-36078-9connection cable with connection socket,grey1030IP67

664-36862-2connection cable ADR with connection socket,grey1030IP65
664-36862-1connection cable ADR with connection socket,black1030IP65

664-34167-2connection cable with bayonet socket (7/5pole)1030IP6K9K
664-34428-3connection cable with bayonet socket (7/5pole)1030IP6K9K
664-34167-6connection cable with bayonet socket (4/3pole)1030IP6K9K
664-34167-9connection cable with bayonet socket (4/4pole)1030IP6K9K

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