To celebrate the upcoming Lunar New Year, FedEx is set to assistHong Kong customers in staying connected with their overseasclients with exclusive shipping discounts and flexiblesolutions.
From now to April 2024, FedEx offers local companies that set upa new account exclusive benefits, including a up to 45% offshipping discount and a HK$350 supermarket coupon. *
Additionally, FedEx provides flexible delivery solutions anddigital tools to ensure businesses and customers have peace of mindthroughout this busy season.
FedEx Extensive Local Retail and Global Network: FedEx hasexpanded its self-collection network to cover more than 600locations in convenience stories and lockers across Hong Kong.Moreover, in addition to its robust North American and intra-Asiaservice networks, FedEx strategically locates 540 depots acrossEurope, enabling rapid delivery of customer packagesfrom Hong Kong to major European markets in just twodays.
FedEx Delivery Manager International (FDMi) withWhatsApp delivery notification: E-tailers using FDMi canenable their residential customers to select the timing andlocation of their deliveries and change the delivery address whenthe shipment is in transit at no extra cost. In addition,recipients expecting inbound deliveries will receive a WhatsAppnotification from FedEx upon shipment pickup. They can also contactFedEx directly and access tracking statuses and re-direct optionswith a click of a button directly in the WhatsApp chatwindow.
Picture Proof of Delivery: FedEx customersin Hong Kong selecting the “no signature required” delivery optionbenefit from the additional service feature of receiving a photoshowing the exact location of their package at their doorstep upondelivery.