普陀区UPS快递公司 普陀区UPS快递服务公司 国际物流
更新:2025-01-21 09:15 编号:26544995 发布IP: 浏览:31次- 发布企业
- 安徽瀚徽国际货运代理有限公司商铺
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UPS(NYSE: UPS), The UPS Foundation and UPS Healthcare are movingquickly to support an equitable delivery program and sustainableglobal supply chain of COVID-19 vaccines. UPS, in collaborationwith COVAX, Gavi, the vaccine alliance and CARE will initiallyfacilitate the delivery of 20 million doses for countries that havenot had sufficient access to vaccines, including top prioritygroups like healthcare workers.
“We believe we have the ability – and responsibility – tofacilitate and accelerate equitable COVID-19 vaccine deliveryaround the world,” said Scott Price, President UPS International.“UPS continues to build and inspire action across a network ofglobal public-private partnerships that will ensure vaccines movemore efficiently and equitably. Our work focuses on countries withlimited resources and constrained supply chains andinfrastructures. The goal is simple and our commitment isunwavering – moving our world forward by delivering whatmatters.”
The latest global vaccination rate is approximately sixmillion doses per day. According to several studies, at that rateit would take an estimated 5.4 years to cover 75 percent of theglobal population with a two-dose vaccine. The role ofpublic-private partnerships is a vital component in building globalsolutions for global challenges, such as the pandemic, and theneeded access to vaccines to fight it.
Building partnerships
Global success hinges upon bringing together and mobilizingthe right partnerships. Helping to establish and fuel theseefforts, UPS Healthcare and The UPS Foundation will:
Provide transportation solutions that leverage UPS cold-chaintechnology
Dedicate ultra-low temperature freezer donations necessary tomaintain vaccine dose viability at the correct temperature invarying environments
Commit UPS loaned executives to provide logistics expertiseand coordination with vaccine manufacturers and NGO partners tomanage and streamline deliveries
This initial level of support from The UPS Foundation is morethan $3 million in contributions to our global partners. Thiscapacity building effort is made up of a $2 million grant directedto Gavi who is matching the grant to bring it to $4 million. Withthe addition of $1 million of in-kind support, The UPS Foundationis providing transportation, donating cold-chain capacity in theform of freezers and lending technical expertise to partners inneed.
This comprehensive level of support amounts to more than $5million in support of equitable vaccine distribution and healthsystems strengthening efforts across Gavi-supported countries
“With supply limited for the foreseeable future, COVID-19vaccines are arguably the world’s most precious commodity thisyear,” said Dr. Seth Berkley, CEO of Gavi. “With every dose beingso important, it is critical to ensure that our partner countrieshave the necessary support and tools to deliver vaccineseffectively and efficiently to those who need them. This newsupport builds on the long-standing partnership between Gavi andthe UPS Foundation, which is focused on ensuring that every childin Gavi-supported countries receives lifesaving vaccines.”
The UPS Foundation is also providing support for CARE’s Fast +Fair initiative, which is focused on equitable distribution ofCOVID-19 vaccines to at-risk groups including healthcare workers,caregivers and refugees in 11 initial countries includingBangladesh, Benin, Democratic Republic of Congo, India and SouthSudan.
“We are interdependent as a global community – no one is safeuntil everyone is safe,”said Nikki Clifton, President of The UPSFoundation. “Now is the time to link our arms around the world. Nowis the time to deliver vaccines – and hope – to everyone,regardless of wealth or location.”
Collectively, these public-private efforts, such as the one inGhana, are designed to ensure COVID-19 vaccines begin flowingquickly to countries in dire need. Through UPS and partner support,more than 10 million people in countries across Africa, Asia,Europe and South America will receive the COVID-19 vaccine in thefirst wave of vaccine distribution.
法定代表人 | 陈浩 | ||
注册资本 | 500万人民币 | ||
主营产品 | DHL国际快递 FedEx国际快递 UPS国际快递 TNT国际快递 合肥DHL国际快递 合肥联邦国际快递 合肥UPS国际快递 合肥FBA亚马逊国际物流 合肥FedEx联邦快递 | ||
经营范围 | 一般项目:航空国际货物运输代理;海上国际货物运输代理;陆路国际货物运输代理;国际货物运输代理;装卸搬运;信息咨询服务(不含许可类信息咨询服务);娱乐性展览;会议及展览服务;货物进出口;技术进出口;普通货物仓储服务(不含危险化学品等需许可审批的项目)(除许可业务外,可自主依法经营法律法规非禁止或限制的项目) | ||
公司简介 | 安徽瀚徽国际货运代理有限公司是一家专业为外贸公司企业提供到世界各地文件包裹及货物快递服务公司,拥有多年的国际货运经验,所以我们可以为您提供百分百的优质服务!目前我公司强项提供服务范围如下:一、全球国际快递/速递,多式联运,提供:EMS、UPS、DHL、TNT、FEDEX等国际快递业务。二、提供全方位的服务,包装、验货、查询和报关,免费专人上门收件。三、提供安全保障交易先收货后付款,保护自己利益.使 ... |
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