云和县DHL国际快递公司 云和县DHL快递服务公司寄件电话
更新:2025-01-22 09:15 编号:26530415 发布IP: 浏览:24次- 发布企业
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作为这项全球精英体育赛事的物流合作伙伴,DHL 正与美国的非营利性青年橄榄球组织 Play Rugby USA合作,从美国的众多申请者中挑选一名儿童(8-15 岁)谁将立即成为橄榄球历史的一部分。
无论是在场内还是场外,获胜者都将体现“勇往直前”的心态,展示激情、敢于做的精神、正直、领导力、尊重、团队合作和的体育精神。DHL和 Play Rugby USA都支持这样一种信念,即在面临家庭、学校或社区的逆境时,如果年轻人保持积极的态度并努力付出的努力,他们就会处于更好的位置来克服挑战。
被选中代表这一有力信息的比赛获胜者(由父母或监护人陪同)将参加 2019 年橄榄球世界杯,并在 2019 年 10 月 2日法国队与美国老鹰队的比赛之前将比赛用球送到场地。
参赛作品将发布在社交媒体(PlayRugby Facebook 和 Instagram)上,并带有#DHLGoForward标签。参赛作品将在 2019 年 4 月 19 日之前接受,获胜者将由专家小组选出,其中包括:DHL Express 美洲营销官Christine Nashick、PRUSA 执行官 Wil Snape-Rogers、前美国鹰和世界橄榄球堂成员 PhaidraKnight、美国橄榄球商务总监 Mark Griffin 和纽约橄榄球联盟总经理 James English。
“橄榄球是美国发展Zui快的青年运动之一,它带来了培养诚信、领导力、尊重和良好体育精神的丰富传统,”DHL Express美国执行官格雷格休伊特说。“Play Rugby USA在将橄榄球的影响范围扩大到美国各地服务欠缺的社区方面做得非常出色,仍然非常注重向参与者宣传这项运动固有的价值观。作为一个了解这些技能和价值观如何转化的组织在赛场之外,DHL很高兴与 Play Rugby USA 合作参加这项比赛。我们期待着表彰一个在社区和日常生活中努力展示 Go Forward心态的孩子。”
除了提供比赛用球外,其他奖品还包括比赛获胜者和监护人的往返机票和住宿,以及 2019 年橄榄球世界杯 DHL商品包(包括制服和 DHL 橄榄球)和他们的比赛球交付照片,作为纪念品。
Play Rugby USA 执行董事 Wil Snape-Rogers 表示:“对于体现橄榄球和 Play RugbyUSA 价值观的年轻人来说,这是一次千载难逢的机会,可以体验世界上Zui负盛名的橄榄球赛事。”“我毫不怀疑比赛会非常激烈,我知道无论谁被选中代表美国队,都将是一个非常特别的年轻人,他每天都在践行橄榄球的价值观。”
橄榄球运动在 100 多个国家/地区进行,作为这项运动的首要赛事,橄榄球世界杯是世界上和Zui受尊敬的比赛之一,与奥运会和FIFA 世界杯并驾齐驱。
此次活动延续了 DHL 与橄榄球比赛之间的长期合作关系。作为 2019 年橄榄球世界杯(将于 2019 年 9 月和2019 年 10 月在东道国日本举行,为期六周)的物流合作伙伴,DHL将负责协调这一的国际体育赛事。这一重要角色的很大一部分是将比赛和团队装备从世界各地运送到日本各地的各种比赛场地。这包括估计 1,400个球、200 个踢球台和 200 个铲球袋。
DHL Express, the world's leading express and logisticsprovider, has kicked off its #Go Forward Contest, Delivered by DHLto give one lucky child the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity ofdelivering an official Match Ball at the Rugby World Cup 2019 inJapan.
As the Official Logistics Partner of this elite globalsporting event, DHL is working alongside Play Rugby USA, theleading nonprofit youth rugby organization in the U.S to choosefrom a pool of applicants in the U.S selecting one child (ages8-15) who will instantly become a part of rugby history.
The winner will exemplify a “Go Forward” mentality whether onor off the field, demonstrating the attributes of passion, can-dospirit, integrity, leadership, respect, teamwork and exceptionalsportsmanship. DHL and Play Rugby USA both support the belief that,when faced with adversity at home, school or in the community,young people put themselves in a better position to overcomechallenges when they maintain a positive attitude and strive togive maximum effort.
Chosen to represent this powerful message, the contest winner(joined by a parent or guardian) will attend Rugby World Cup 2019and deliver the official Match Ball to the field prior to the matchbetween France and the USA Eagles on Oct. 2, 2019.
How to Enter
Each young applicant and/or a parent or guardian should visitto submit a video, graphic or essay describing how he or sheexhibits a “Go Forward” mentality in daily life and why that makesthem deserving of this incredible experience.
The best entries will be posted on social media (PlayRugbyFacebook and Instagram) with the hashtag #DHLGoForward. Entrieswill be accepted until April 19, 2019, and the winner will bechosen by an expert panel including: DHL Express Americas ChiefMarketing Officer Christine Nashick, PRUSA CEO Wil Snape-Rogers,former USA Eagle and World Rugby Hall of Famer Phaidra Knight, USARugby Commercial Director Mark Griffin and Rugby United New YorkGeneral Manager James English.
"Rugby is one of the fastest-growing youth sports in America,bringing with it a rich tradition that fosters integrity,leadership, respect and good sportsmanship," said DHL Express U.S.CEO Greg Hewitt. "Play Rugby USA has done a remarkable job ofexpanding the reach of rugby into underserved communities acrossAmerica – while retaining a keen focus on promoting to theirparticipants the values inherent in the sport. As an organizationthat understands how these skills and values translate far beyondthe field, DHL is delighted to be partnering with Play Rugby USA onthis competition. We look forward to honoring a child who hasworked hard to demonstrate the Go Forward mindset in theircommunity and day-to-day lives."
In addition to delivering an official Match Ball, other prizesinclude round-trip airfare and accommodations for the contestwinner and a guardian, as well as a Rugby World Cup 2019 DHLmerchandise kit (which includes a uniform and DHL rugby ball) andan official photo of their Match Ball delivery, as a memento.
“This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for a young personwho exemplifies the values of rugby and Play Rugby USA toexperience the most prestigious rugby event in the world,” saidPlay Rugby USA Executive Director Wil Snape-Rogers. “I have nodoubt that the competition will be very strong, and I know thatwhoever is chosen to represent the USA will be a very special youngperson who lives the values of rugby every day.”
Rugby is played in over 100 countries, and as the sport’spremier event, the Rugby World Cup is one of the world's mostpopular and admired competitions, alongside the Olympics and FIFAWorld Cup.
This event continues the longstanding relationship between DHLand the game of rugby. As the Official Logistics Partner of RugbyWorld Cup 2019 – which will take place in host country Japan oversix weeks in September and October 2019 – DHL will assumeresponsibility for coordinating one of the largest internationalsporting events. A large part of this vital role is transportingtournament and team equipment from around the world to variousmatch venues throughout Japan. This includes an estimated 1,400balls, 200 kicking tees and 200 tackle bags.
Expected to create an estimated $3.2 billion economic impact,Rugby World Cup 2019 will consist of 48 matches played by 20nations over 44 days. During the tournament, there will be 920players and team officials and over 60 citing, judicial and matchofficials. There will also be 6,000 volunteers and 400,000 visitorsto Japan.
法定代表人 | 陈浩 | ||
注册资本 | 500万人民币 | ||
主营产品 | DHL国际快递 FedEx国际快递 UPS国际快递 TNT国际快递 合肥DHL国际快递 合肥联邦国际快递 合肥UPS国际快递 合肥FBA亚马逊国际物流 合肥FedEx联邦快递 | ||
经营范围 | 一般项目:航空国际货物运输代理;海上国际货物运输代理;陆路国际货物运输代理;国际货物运输代理;装卸搬运;信息咨询服务(不含许可类信息咨询服务);娱乐性展览;会议及展览服务;货物进出口;技术进出口;普通货物仓储服务(不含危险化学品等需许可审批的项目)(除许可业务外,可自主依法经营法律法规非禁止或限制的项目) | ||
公司简介 | 安徽瀚徽国际货运代理有限公司是一家专业为外贸公司企业提供到世界各地文件包裹及货物快递服务公司,拥有多年的国际货运经验,所以我们可以为您提供百分百的优质服务!目前我公司强项提供服务范围如下:一、全球国际快递/速递,多式联运,提供:EMS、UPS、DHL、TNT、FEDEX等国际快递业务。二、提供全方位的服务,包装、验货、查询和报关,免费专人上门收件。三、提供安全保障交易先收货后付款,保护自己利益.使 ... |
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