泗阳FedEx国际快递 泗阳FedEx国际快递公司 分公司
FedExExpress, a subsidiary of Federal Express (FDX. US),announced the addition of a new route between Asia and Europe.FedEx stated that the route will provide better connectivity andmore reliable services for customers throughout North Asia,including China and Japan, and Singaporean customers will alsobenefit from additional capacity from Europe to Singapore. The newroute connects Beijing, China, with the FedEx Charles de GaulleAirport (CDG) transfer center in Paris, France. The route stops inOsaka, Japan and operates 10 flights per week. At the same time, itextends the cut-off time for daily export shipments from Beijing toEurope, giving customers more time to arrange their shipments. Thenew route also provides a weekly direct flight between the FedExCharles de Gaulle Airport transfer center and Singapore.