截至,monika schaller(48 岁)是德国邮政敦豪集团(dpdhl 集团)企业传播与责任执行副总裁。在此职位上,她将向dpdhl 集团执行官 frank appel 汇报工作。
monika schaller 从德意志银行加入 dpdhl集团,她在德意志银行担任全球传播和企业社会责任副主管。在此职位上,她负责就所有战略沟通问题向管理委员会提供建议。
“我们相信,凭借她的能力和往绩记录,monika 将成为我们公司的重要资产,”德国邮政 dhl 集团执行官 frank appel说。
在 2016 年加入德意志银行之前,monika schaller曾在德国、奥地利、瑞士、中欧和东欧以及俄罗斯为高盛管理企业传讯达九年。在此职位上,她负责高盛在 2008年全球危机期间的战略沟通的制定、实施和执行。
monika schaller 曾在德国、奥地利、瑞士和北欧国家的花旗集团企业传播部工作,拥有丰富的全球经验。莫妮卡·夏勒(monika schaller) 的职业生涯始于为彭博社工作,在从维也纳 ca投资银行的销售员职位过渡后,在纽约、东京和伦敦等多个国际地点进行报道。
monika 在奥地利维也纳大学获得工商管理学位。
as of today, monika schaller (48) is executive vice president ofcorporate communications & responsibility at deutsche post dhlgroup (dpdhl group). in this position she will report to frankappel, ceo dpdhl group.
monika schaller joins dpdhl group from deutsche bank, where shewas deputy global head of communications and corporate socialresponsibility. in this role she was responsible for advising themanagement board on all strategic communication issues.
“we are convinced that with her professional competencies andtrack record monika will be a great asset to our company” saidfrank appel, ceo deutsche post dhl group.
prior to joining deutsche bank in 2016, monika schaller managedcorporate communications for goldman sachs in germany, austria,switzerland, central & eastern europe and russia for nine years. inthis role, she was in charge of the development, implementation andexecution of goldman sachs’ strategic communication at the time ofthe global financial crisis in 2008.
monika schaller has extensive global experience having worked forcitigroup corporate communications in germany, austria, switzerlandand the nordic countries. monika schaller started her careerworking for bloomberg, reporting from various internationallocations including new york, tokyo and london after transitioningfrom her role as a sales trader at ca investment bank invienna.
monika earned her business administration degree from theuniversity of vienna, austria.