DHL Global Forwarding, an expert in air and maritime transportof Deutsche Post DHL Group, announced that its freight forwardingbusiness had been revalidated in the U.S. Customs-Trade PartnershipAgainst Terrorism (C-TPAT). The plan is managed by the UnitedStates Customs and Border Protection Agency, which aims to protectthe security of goods entering the United States territory andpromote the trade flow in and out of the country. The revalidationwas issued after extensive security review by C-TPAT supply chainsecurity experts at DHL Global Forwarding (DGF) facilities in theAmericas. Each visit includes a detailed inspection of DGF supplychain security, a comprehensive review of all relevant DGF policiesand procedures, and an extensive review of warehouse operations. AtDHL Global Forwarding, compliance with C-TPAT and all other globalsecurity plans is critical to the way we conduct our business,"said Bill Meahl, executive officer of DHL Global ForwardingAmericas. "The revalidation of" reaffirms our continuous commitmentto supply chain security and consolidates our supply chain securitytradition. "
In addition, C-TPAT supply chain security experts awarded DGF 11practices in the field of supply chain security risk; Personalsafety; Security training and threat awareness; Informationtechnology security; Business partner requirements; Containers,means of transport and transport safety; Procedure safety; Andpersonnel safety. The revalidation of is expected to be implementedfor four years, strengthening the company's understanding of supplychain security, which is the cornerstone of its Americas supplychain security consulting service (launched in 2017). DHL GlobalForwarding, led by former customs and law enforcement officers, hasa global team of more than 250 security personnel, providing astrong service portfolio for companies interested in becomingC-TPAT members or just want to achieve a safer supply chain. Theservice provides 10 training modules, including C-TPAT 101, C-TPATpractical training, policy and procedure training, development ofsupply chain risk, security training and awareness plan, securityvulnerabilities and internal conspiracy. Each module can becustomized according to the current supply chain securityrequirements of the company or supplier. Non-industry specific,these modules include on-site training, interactive courses andpractical development, which can be customized for any industry.These can be strengthened through specific policy and proceduredevelopment workshops to enable customers to comply with majorsupply chain security plans. In addition to the 10 modules, DHLGlobal Forwarding also provides the help of the safety andcompliance questionnaire to extend the safety awareness to everyelement of the company's international supply chain. On-site auditservices are also provided to verify all supply chain security planstandards.