Warsaw, December 16, 2020 – The pandemic has significantlychanged consumer shopping habits. According to the “PandemicChristmas” survey conducted by the research institute Kantar onbehalf of FedEx Express, one of the world’s largest expresstransportation companies, almost 40% of Poles have increased theironline shopping since the appearance of COVID-19. Sixty-fivepercent intend to buy Christmas gifts online, while another 20% areconsidering doing so.
E-commerce business outpaces offline trade
The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the advantages ofe-commerce over traditional shopping during the Christmas holidaypeak. But how big is the impact? At the end of October 2020,approximately eight months into the pandemic, 65% of Poles statedthat they plan to buy all their Christmas presents online in surveyresponses. A closer look at those who are planning to usetraditional shopping only or online shopping only shows that just5% of those surveyed currently consider using traditional shoppingonly (compared to 16% in 2019), while 28% consider solely usingonline shopping (11% more than last year). It is clear: thisChristmas, e-commerce is leading the way as the choice forconsumers.