高港UPS国际速递 高港UPS速递全球寄件

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  The UPS Store, Inc the nation’s largest shipping, postal, printand business services chain today unveiled a new and contemporarydesign of its retail stores, now available for its large network offranchise owners. The first set of fully redesigned stores, whichinclude the first major change to the stores’ layout in twodecades, have opened in several markets around the country.

  “In a rapidly changing business environment, The UPS Store seeksto create a place where business happens in real time,” said TimDavis, president of The UPS Store, Inc. “We’re elevating the retailexperience to cater to today’s small business owner and consumer,while helping drive growth and profitability for our network offranchise owners.”

  The transformed look and layout create a more seamless in-storecustomer experience while reflecting the new demands of a worlddriven by tech and e-commerce. Compared to the previous design, thenew stores are more open in their layout to highlight the breadthof services, brighter in both color and lighting and feature moredigital elements than ever before.

  The new design is part of a continued strategy to help The UPSStore® franchisees thrive in a highly competitive environment. Inaddition to its current network of franchisees, the new design willbe standard for new franchise owners, and the retailer offers botha veteran incentive program and a minority incentive program fornew franchisee candidates looking to enter the network. To thankand honor veterans for their service, the veteran incentive programprovides $10,000 off the initial franchise fee. The UPS Store iscommitted to fostering diversity through the minority incentiveprogram. First time minority franchisees are eligible to receive anapproximate 50% discount off the franchise fee. Both veteran andminority franchisees who take part in these programs will developtheir location under the new store design.

  Evolution of The UPS Store Design

  The redesign is a result of extensive research and planninginvolving key stakeholders, including franchisees, small businessowners, consumers and retail industry experts. The UPS Store designteam worked with Columbus, Ohio-based design firm Chute Gerdeman todevelop the new look, feel and layout.

  “We embarked on a collaborative strategic process that shed lighton the need to convey transparency within the in-store experience,”said Jeff Wietrzykowski, creative director at Chute Gerdeman. “Thenew store design radically opens up the retail space, highlightingthe variety of key services that The UPS Store centers offer whilecommunicating trust and collaboration to its customers.”

  The UPS Store, Inc. spent four years building, testing andtweaking numerous prototype centers in various communities acrossthe country to refine the design. Rooted in functionality andaccessibility, it is intended to enhance space utilization andconsumer appeal in response to changing customer needs.

  Design Features and Elements

  The new in-store experience for The UPS Store network resembles acontemporary open concept workshop, with light-industrial designelements and visible work areas that invite customers to easilynavigate the store and interact with associates. In addition, theredesign includes an option to include 24/7 smart lockers near thefront entry, allowing convenient and secure package pick-ups at anytime, day or night.

  Key design features and layout elements include:

  A reimagined open floor plan eliminating walls and dividers, andinstead grouping the store into functional zones thoughtfullydesigned for optimal foot traffic flow and space utilization.

  The front of the store is accessible 24 hours a day, with asecurity gate closing off other sections after hours. This entryzone can house mailboxes, smart lockers and self-serveprinters.

  The service counter area is where customers can interact withassociates during business hours for core services includingpacking, shipping and printing. In addition, this section offersspace for expert consultation and additional services includingnotary.

  A dedicated print consultation area with seating for customers,allowing center associates to provide an unrushed experience toexplain all printing and design services.

  The back of the store has been transformed to showcase the openworkspace. Full sightlines into this area allow customers to seethe expert work that goes behind the packing and shippingprocess.

  More fixtures and services incorporating technology, such asdigital menu boards and smart lockers are present throughout thestore.

  Oak plank flooring greets the customers, adding warmth to thespace, while the workshop flooring is finished with a concreteaesthetic to convey a modern industrial feel.

  Fresh, bright colors throughout the store stand in dramaticcontrast to the monochromatic color palette of the previousgeneration of stores.

  Modular pieces allow for franchisees to customize the space fordifferent situations, based on customer volume or workspaceneeded.

  Deemed essential during the pandemic, most The UPS Store centershave remained open to provide a wide array of services includingshipping, mail and package receiving, printing, scanning, faxingand notary. General consumers and small business owners alike relyon easy and safe access to these services now more than ever, andthe store redesign improves the way these needs are met.

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