FedEx Expands Self-Collection Service to Enhance Convenienceand Flexibility for E-commerce Shoppers in Singapore
Customers can receive their FedEx packages through 800 newself-collection points nationwide
Singapore, June 22, 2023 — FedEx Express, a subsidiary ofFedEx Corp. (NYSE: FDX) and one of the world’s largest expresstransportation companies, has expanded its self-collection servicesfor FedEx packages through 800 new self-collection points fromNinja Van. The collaboration aims to enhance flexibility andconvenience for customers when collecting their packages acrossSingapore, at no additional charge.
Customers can choose any of the collection points as theirpreferred self-collection location using the FedEx Delivery ManagerInternational (FDMi) platform. This enables customers, whomay not be available to receive their delivery, the option toselect a location closest to their home or workplace.
“FedEx is committed to providing innovative solutions thatenhance the experience for our customers. As the e-commerce sectorcontinues to grow, e-retailers and consumers are constantlysearching for flexible delivery options. The expandedself-collection service will provide a competitive edge for smalland medium enterprises and e-merchants through added convenienceand flexibility for their customers when it comes to deliveryarrangements,” said Eric Tan, Managing Director, FedEx ExpressSingapore. “Self-collection services also play a crucial role inreducing the number of unsuccessful deliveries and attempts todeliver. This aligns perfectly with our commitment to promotinggreater efficiency within our network.”
FedEx Singapore’s self-collection initiative is fueled by therapid growth of e-commerce in the country. In 2022, Singapore’se-commerce market had a value of US$9 billion and is expected toachieve a compound annual growth rate of 10%, reaching over US$14billion by 2027. The expanded FedEx self-collectionservice helps increase productivity and efficiency within thenetwork and could potentially reduce the number of our vehicles onthe road performing small parcel deliveries. It also helps toensure efficient delivery of goods to people and businesses, anobjective that is in line with the Singaporegovernment’s Urban Logistics Initiative.
Enabling consumers to personalise their delivery preferencesremains a key focus for FedEx in Singapore. In October 2022, FedExintroduced the option for customers to receive deliverynotifications and customise their delivery options throughWhatsApp. This includes choosing from over 2,000 self-collectionpoints from Ninja Van, Pick, Parcel Santa and Park N Parcel.
For more information about FedEx self-collection services,please click here.